I'm now testing the linux version of EpiData Manager and EpiData Entry. The following suggestions would be useful:
1) When copy/paste of a text from an UPPERCASE field to a lowercase field it would be nice to automatically convert the text case on the destination corresponding field.
2) When importing from rec files the conversion don't reflect the rec created before on the stable version of EpiData. There are some differences between the names of the fields. Only a few labels appears and the ranges of inputs doesn't appears.
3) It would be great to finish the interface of the check commands and later the RELATE function for relational databases.
4) For future translations it would be good to build an interface, as stable EpiData has. Just with a file containing the translation in cuestion would be an easy alternative. Although, when EpiData will be released under Open or Free philosophy of source code, the translations can be done directly. I can help on a Spanish version on both scenarios.
5) As someone told on other moment an interface with other statistical analysis package would be great, as the R Statistical Computing. Also the new GPX or GPZ files will need interfaces to communicate with R, with the "foreign" package under R.
Great job!
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