Sample file in Entry and how to handle date formulations in entry

Notice that when you open the Entry Client, the file sample.epx is automatically loaded if the file is in the same folder as the exe files. The file contains 12 records with examples of local font texts. If you prefer NOT to have this file loaded every time, then just rename or move the sample.epx to another folder.
Specification of entry of dates.
Please comment on which strategy you find most attractive:
A: The date rule depends on (dmy/mdy/ymd) (current implementation) B. The date rule is independent of type of field (dmy/mdy/ymd): C: Combination of A and B
A: Enter digits to the field type first part (YMD/DMY/MDY) and fill in current (day month or year) from "today" for the parts not entered. E.g. one number is day in a DMY field, but year (+2000) in a YMD field. Try this strategy in current sample file.
B: one digit: always day - automatically add current month + year two digits: always day - automatically add current month + year three digits: the first two are handled as a day, the third as month four digits: the first two are handled as a day, the third+fourth as month five or more up to 8 digits: the first two as a day, the third+fourth as month, 5 and up as year (+ centenary)
C1: one digit: always day - automatically add current month + year two digits: always day - automatically add current month + year if more than two follow same principle as A.
C2: one digit: always day - automatically add current month + year two digits: always day - automatically add current month + year three digits: the first two are handled as a day, the third as month four digits: the first two are handled as a day, the third+fourth as month if more than four follow same principle as A.
The rule should be simple to explain or else wrong data will be entered.
Possibly principle C1 is the simplest to explain.
Please comment
regards Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association
participants (1)