Clarification - document on options
Shavinder Singh has made some comments which are welcomed, but also necessitates some clarifications.
The document put on the testing.php page is NOT a list of commands. It is a somewhat internal technical document created with the intent to write an overview of which options will be in which commands.
The reference to the commands is the same as users from version 1.0 of EpiData Analysis.
Regarding the comments on dates I will only add that maybe we should change the name of date functions from to year(datevariable) yearval(datevariable) day(datevariable) dayval(datevariable) month(datevariable) monthval(datevariable)
since now there is a conflict with variable names date, year and month, which users often will use. Also we should implement some sort of warning to users when they use for a variable name an internal name. E.g. neither of "or and if" will ever work as a variable name
Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association
participants (1)