Dear all
As announced previously a new test release will be available today.
A follow-up mail on the technical issues of the new versions will come when upload of the new software has taken place. Address will as usual be http://www.epidata.dk/testing.php
The main new as pects are implementation of jumps, mustenter and a revision of the interface, plus handling of a number of reported bugs and those found in our own testing.
Questions in relation to this or comments can be given: a. general ones to this list b. bug reporting to flyspray or this list as usual. c. specific questions or information on further funding possibilities to info at epidata.dk. The mails will be read, but you receive an automail telling of "do not expect a response".
The following week Torsten Christiansen and I will attend to an APHEO seminar in Canada. The use of the software in field settings is the prime driver for developments. Torsten Christiansen is responsible for the software architecture, design and programming in collaboration with me.
Further information on the seminar, see: http://www.apheo.ca/index.php?pid=47#2011
regards Jens Lauritsen Initiator and Coordinator EpiData Assocation, Denmark
participants (1)