value labels list in Add/Revise checks
The add/revise system is one of the parts of the EpiData Entry system which was created in the very early stages of development.
Therefore it is not optimal for neither the experienced or the beginner.
The idea of the add/revise system is to create a visual interface to the CHK files ,which contain the actual commands and rules.
E.g. If the user has 20 fields with the same definition of labels (1=yes 2=no 8=irrelevant 9=missing) then defining that in one field and then by Ctrl+C in that field you copy the definition very fast by moving with the arrow to the next 19 fields and pressing Ctrl+V.
What should be developed is a more intuitive interface where as well: a. Field specific definitions are created (as now) b. File specific definitions, e.g. backup after closing, colour setting of background etc.
are visually defined.
Now for the question of labels in Susan Donath's question.
The list box which you can scroll has the contents of two parts: 1. Labels (comment legal) defined in the common file epidata.lbl which resides with the exe file when you install EpIData Entry. The idea of the epidata.lbl file is that an institution or user can create a set of commonly used label (comment legal) definitions and then distribute them for all projects.
2. Any labels already defined in the current file
If for a given variable no relevant definition of label has been created by either #1 or #2 then the user must define a new one. This is done by pressing the + key or the small + next to the scroll box with defined labels. By entering the new definition a new label is defined, which can then be used in other fields in the same file.
Kind regards
Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association
participants (1)