Re: conditional value label look-up

Is there a way to do a conditional value label look up in either the current or in the new test version of EpiData?
For instance, if field disease equals A then field subtype has values 1,2,3 for selection, if field disease equals B then field subtype has values 4,5,6, etc.
Thank-you, and well done to the development team for excellent progress. _______________________________________ Stephen Drew Health Data Analyst Region of Waterloo Public Health Waterloo, ON
======================================================================== Thanks Stephen, what about using the expression if:
Example for disease A disease_A BEFORE ENTRY IF disease_A = 1 or "AFP" THEN Symptom = 1 GOTO admission ENDIF END END
Next thing to be done is the following expression
IF disease_B = 2 or "Yellow_Fever" THEN Symptom = 3 GOTO admission_tropic (i.e another subtype) ENDIF END END As you can see this can be very time consuming, however it could best done at the data management stage where you could create or generate new variable appropriately before cracking on with the analysis.
However, if you really want to proceed with: "A then field subtype has values 1,2,3 for selection" then the other thing that you could do would be to assign a unique code; such as if field subtype has values 1,2,3, then coded it 1, for value 4-7 coded it 2; this will make it easy.
I am struggling to understand why you need values 1, 2, 3 in the same field at the same time?
Hope this helps
Best wishes
On 1 September 2011 18:00, wrote:
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- conditional value label look-up? (
Message: 1 Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2011 16:30:53 -0400 From: Subject: [EpiData-list] conditional value label look-up? To: "''" Message-ID: <>
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Is there a way to do a conditional value label look up in either the current or in the new test version of EpiData?
For instance, if field disease equals A then field subtype has values 1,2,3 for selection, if field disease equals B then field subtype has values 4,5,6, etc.
Thank-you, and well done to the development team for excellent progress. _______________________________________ Stephen Drew Health Data Analyst Region of Waterloo Public Health Waterloo, ON
End of EpiData-list Digest, Vol 95, Issue 1
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