HI, I am trying to run an EpiTable on some basic food exposure data where 1=Ate the food item, 2=did not eat food item. However when I run the EpiTable it is automatically assuming that the exposure variable is 2 (ie.e not eating food item). How can I change the exposure variable to 1?
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Would it be practical to recode your data to 0 for didn't eat and 1 for ate?

As pointed out, recoding to 0,1 will work, since etab puts the higher value first based on the Analysis default. This is controlled by the SET TABLE REVERSE command. The default for this setting is ON.
So do this and you won't need to recode variables:
This applies to both outcome and exposure, on the assumption that your coding is consistent.
The Help file needs to be corrected (currently says 'set table rotate')
Jamie Hockin Public Health Agency of Canada
epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca wrote:
HI, I am trying to run an EpiTable on some basic food exposure data where 1=Ate the food item, 2=did not eat food item. However when I run the EpiTable it is automatically assuming that the exposure variable is 2 (ie.e not eating food item). How can I change the exposure variable to 1?
participants (1)