EpiData Manager and EpiData Entry test versions

Comments on versions of 16 Sep 2010:
EpiData Manager: epidatamanager. EpiData Entry: epidataentry. Test with existing REC file, 130,000 real records, 9 fields
First approach: In EpiData Manager: Add structure from File: Existing field names are not respected as new field names but given V1, V2, ...: v1 country Study country Original: country Study country #
After editing, so that "v1" becomes "country", etc: Opening epidataentry and importing original REC file: Corruption: In 'stream': (line 1 positiong 1): illegal at document level View line 1: 13 1 VLAB Deleting first line creates another error
Second approach: Open EpiData Manager Load datafile, using existing REC file, REC file is loaded The last 3 fields in the REC file (QES file shown) are:
result1 Result of first examination #.# result2 Result of second examination #.# result3 Result of third examination #.#
In EpiData Manager correctly: length 1 decimal 1
Open epidataentry and REC file: The three above fields are truncated to become integers, in text editor: <Record f0="1" f1="101" f3="2003" f4="57" f5="2" f6="0" f7="0" f8="9" f9="9" st="0"/>
participants (1)