Re: EpiData-list Digest, Vol 28, Issue 5

The final code is :
AFTER FILE BACKUP "C:\formulaire\sauvegardes" ZIP form DATE EXECUTE "C:\formulaire\bin\EpiC.exe" "e SPS C:\formulaire\donnees\Registre.rec C:\formulaire\exportation_spss\Registre.sps REPLACE" NOWAIT EXECUTE "C:\formulaire\bin\EpiC.exe" "e SPS C:\formulaire\donnees\reponse_DT4.rec C:\formulaire\exportation_spss\reponse_DT4.sps REPLACE" NOWAIT EXECUTE "C:\formulaire\bin\EpiC.exe" "e SPS C:\formulaire\donnees\reponse_somatostatine.rec C:\formulaire\exportation_spss\reponse_somatostatine.sps REPLACE" NOWAIT EXECUTE "C:\formulaire\bin\EpiC.exe" "e SPS C:\formulaire\donnees\reponse_triac.rec C:\formulaire\exportation_spss\reponse_triac.sps REPLACE" NOWAIT EXECUTE "C:\formulaire\bin\EpiC.exe" "e SPS C:\formulaire\donnees\reponse_T3.rec C:\formulaire\exportation_spss\reponse_T3.sps REPLACE" NOWAIT EXECUTE "C:\formulaire\bin\EpiC.exe" "e SPS C:\formulaire\donnees\reponse_dopaminergique.rec C:\formulaire\exportation_spss\reponse_dopaminergique.sps REPLACE" NOWAIT END
i don't know if "" are needed ( they were with EXPORT.exe binary file ), but it works well. With Export.exe, only one file is created, a .sps file with labels and data. With EpiC.exe, it's like epidata, datas are in a .txt file and labels with data emplacement in a .sps. I made a .sps called EXPORTATION.sps, wich is made with copies of all .sps files ( registre.sps, reponse_*.sps ), and then merge all these data with the numdos key and then create a registre_reponse.sav spss file. In fact, i only use new .txt files made "after file".
In didn't found something to export only data to .txt in a sps-readable format. But it doesn't matter, all works.
Thanks a lot for help and for EpiC.exe ( it came very just on time, as I had to give the form last friday ;) ).
P.S : if someone want it, i can send the .sps file but it's not the right place here ;)
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- Export code in a .chk file (
- Check files as Email Attachment (
Message: 1 Date: Thu, 9 Feb 2006 09:18:11 +0100 (CET) From: Subject: [EpiData-list] Export code in a .chk file To: Message-ID: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
.....I used the EXPORT.exe from an old version of Epi-Info with the
EXECUTE command in epidata. It seems to work very well.
This would work, but if you have properly defined e.g. missing values and value labels (comment legal) in the chk file for your study, then neither variable lable, value label or missing value will be exported to SPSS with the old epi6 export file (I could be wrong).
Regarding BACKUP command. If you want one copy marked with current date:
IF you want as well a working copy in the backup folder and a zip copy, something like this (the principle here should be tested with proper files):
- first backup from current folder to f:\backup
BACKUP F:\backup\
then create a copy of that folder with EpiC: c:\epidata\EpiC zip f:\backupzip\prjA path replace date f:\backup
The backup file from today would be: f:\backupzip\
then export to SPSS c:\epidata\EpiC e spss f:\backup\file1 f:\spss\file1 replace c:\epidata\EpiC e spss f:\backup\file2 f:\spss\file1 replace c:\epidata\EpiC e spss f:\backup\file3 f:\spss\file1 replace c:\epidata\EpiC e spss f:\backup\file4 f:\spss\file1 replace c:\epidata\EpiC e spss f:\backup\file5 f:\spss\file1 replace
Note that all folders must be created before calling epic first time.
With the EpiC.exe being used all labels will be exported. I suggest that you send the final solution to this list, such that other users can see the solution.
Jens Lauritsen Coordinator and initiator of EpiData Project
Message: 2 Date: Thu, 09 Feb 2006 13:37:47 +0100 From: Subject: [EpiData-list] Check files as Email Attachment To: Message-ID: BAY106-F319344F1FC4736B1646EFC5030@phx.gbl Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"; format="flowed"
End of EpiData-list Digest, Vol 28, Issue 5
participants (1)