Hello, For the last version of EPIDATA ANALYSIS (24 May 2013) : - the first veiwer screen is black (it changes after le first commands..) : why ? - in Help, I don't find for the tables command : /t, /c, /o, /r.. Why ? Ok I seen "set statistics="OR CHI...", but I have a message error. - Idem for epitables or etab command, I have a message error. Thank you for your help.
Bernard BRANGER, Nantes, France
PS : the new link for "Course Materials in Franch" is : http://www.reseau-naissance.fr/module-pagesetter-viewpub-tid-2-pid-28.html Thank you

I've installed this version (2.2.2 build 182) without a problem (on a MAC) Jamie
On 2013-06-28, at 1:57 PM, epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca wrote:
For the last version of EPIDATA ANALYSIS (24 May 2013) :
- the first veiwer screen is black (it changes after le first commands..) : why ?
- in Help, I don't find for the tables command : /t, /c, /o, /r.. Why ?
Ok I seen "set statistics="OR CHI...", but I have a message error.
- Idem for epitables or etab command, I have a message error.

Your installation must betyder faulty. Delete analysis and install Again is my suggestion. Could also be a problem of user rights on the pc. Jens Lauritsen
epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca skrev:
Hello, For the last version of EPIDATA ANALYSIS (24 May 2013) :
- the first veiwer screen is black (it changes after le first
commands..) : why ?
- in Help, I don't find for the tables command : /t, /c, /o, /r.. Why ? Ok I seen "set statistics="OR CHI...", but I have a message error.
- Idem for epitables or etab command, I have a message error.
Thank you for your help.
Bernard BRANGER, Nantes, France
PS : the new link for "Course Materials in Franch" is : http://www.reseau-naissance.fr/module-pagesetter-viewpub-tid-2-pid-28.html Thank you _______________________________________________ EpiData-list mailing list EpiData-list@lists.umanitoba.ca http://lists.umanitoba.ca/mailman/listinfo/epidata-list

Hello, I'm sorry, but I confirm the previous message for the last version of EPIDATA ANALYSIS (24 May 2013)(*V _in French_*) : - the first veiwer screen is black (it changes after le first commands..) - in Help, I don't find for the same help for command help than previous version ( in English) (for example help command for tables) - Idem for epitables or etab command, I have a message error. Thank you for your help.
Bernard BRANGER, Nantes, France
PS : the new link for "Course Materials in Franch" is : http://www.reseau-naissance.fr/module-pagesetter-viewpub-tid-2-pid-28.html Thank you
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