next test version - and a question on principles of updating auto-date and auto-time fields

Dear all
Developments are continuing and many new aspects will be available in the next test release of the Manager and EntryClient software, e.g.:
- revised value label definitions - range - mustenter, confirm, noenter - show value labels after entry (formerly known as : type comment) - jumps which can be to: "skipnextfield", "end of section", "save record" and to a named field the fields bypassed can be reset to: "no change", "system missing", "highest defined missing value", "next to highest defined missing value".
Release of the next test version is expected within a few days. More information will be shown at the time of release. With this implementation we are very close to the functionality needed by most users in terms of data-entry. On top of that functions for searching in data and documentation will come.
One aspect which we would like some input on, is the following: In the current EpiData Entry for windows we have: auto-id (<idnum>) and today fields which are updated at the time of SAVING data.
In the current Manager and EntryClient the Auto-data, and auto-time fields are getting a value upon creation of the record. Not at the time of saving first time or editing the record.
Please indicate preference: a. We only need and auto-time fields having value at saving records b. We only need and auto-time fields having value at creation time c. It is preferable to have a combination of a and b, where the user specifies for a given field which of the two properties these fields should have.
regards Jens Lauritsen EpiData Assocation

I would prefer c. This allows the data manager to define auto dates for record creation and record last edit/save in the same record. This could be very useful.
On 2011-02-07, Jens asked
Please indicate preference: a. We only need and auto-time fields having value at saving records b. We only need and auto-time fields having value at creation time c. It is preferable to have a combination of a and b, where the user specifies for a given field which of the two properties these fields should have.

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