Re: EpiData-list Digest, Vol 129, Issue 9

Seems you located the problem:-)
Funny though, the same phenomenon appears in Windows 7.
The "show all button" is greyed out, but the other fix - Selecting Edit - Default windows position before I open any project, and then restart EDM fixes the problem.
Glad if this testing can be useful.
Regards, Vegard Høgli
Torsten Bonde Christiansen wrote:
The reason why the program freeze at step 7) is because the window for "Define Key" appears outside your monitor. This happens due to a programming error from my side.
You can see the window if you right-click the Manager icon in the dock and select "Show All...". ...
An easy fix for this is to use the "Default window position" which will reset the position of ALL windows within EpiData Manager. Then the next time you click "Define Key" you should have the window positioned properly.
Kind regards, Torsten Bonde Christiansen. EpiData Association.
On 2014-07-22 23:48, wrote:
"Then set as key" - embarrassed to admit - Still don't get it: Here's exactly what I do:
- Define new project
- Save as myfile (even tried without save first)
- click on Dataform 1
- Define field name IDNO Integer length 4
- Apply, then close field properties pane
- Select IDNO field with select tool (small boxes appear enclosing
selected field) 7. Click on Dataform button (or menu item) - then choose Define key 8. Freeze - Nothing happens, not possible to define new dataform, not
to save or edit field, have to kill process in program manager (windows), small green plus sign when hovering mouse over field (OSX).
Where do I go wrong? anyway: apparent program freeze should be replaced
error message if I do something in the wrong order, like for example:
I tried to add a child dataform first, i get the error message: must
at least one key first.
on Jul 22, Jamie wrote:
I have not had this problem (OSX-Mavericks). On Dataform1, I define an
integer field. Then set as key. add a related dataform and my key field shows up on the new form. When you add a field to Dataform1, the Relate
appears. You have to define a related dataform firstThen ; then the
tab shows up.
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