Re: [EpiData-list] Validation duplicate files

Hi Charity and Lars:
There are two ways for duplicate data entry:
1) independent of sequence 2) dependent on sequence
1) If you use a field with unique identifier, you can enter the data independently of sequence twice, and then compare the two files later on that unique identifier. In this instance two data entry groups can enter add the same time part A and part B and then switch for second entry.
2) You can use the "Tools" "Prepare Double Entry Verification". If you do not tick and choose the option "Match records by field" (and choose the Unique identifier), then the second entry will by default follow the record number, and thus sequence matters. If you choose that option, the first data entry group will still have to await completion by the first data entry group.
As Charity says, it is critical in any case to have a truly unique identifier which can by assured by KEY UNIQUE. Seemingly, Lars, you did not have that. You must thus identify the records with duplicate identifiers and or missing identifiers in both files, mark them for deletion (but not packing" and then compare. You deal then separately with the problematic records in both files, most simply perhaps by reentering them properly and independently in both files.
Hello Lars,
I just did a small test of this to make sure, and the ordering/sequence of IDs in the two files does not make a difference when Validating Duplicate Files.
What will cause a problem is if there is a duplicated ID in one of your two files - are you sure that the Case IDs are unique? You should have "KEY UNIQUE 1" included in your .chk file for the ID variable to ensure this.
Kind regards, Charity
On 2/1/07, wrote:
Dear Epidata_list,
I'm a new member of this list and a fairly new user of the Epidata software. In attempting to validate duplicate files not entered in same sequence by two observers I have difficulty in performing the test under documebt/validate duplicate files. Attempting to perfom the test with a selected key field of case-id an error is given; "Duplicate keys found" and the validation is terminated. Is it possible to perform a comparison of the two datasets despite the fact that the registrations are not performed in same sequence with regard to registration of the observations?
Siincerely, Lars
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