Experimental Manager and Entry Client version with before/after entry scripts available

Whereas the former mail concerned the public production version, this mail is an exciting additional feature to be tested by users.
Assume you have a special situation where you need to do a particular calculation to show the entry person, e.g. calculation of BMI or the summation of 10 items for an index.
With the experimental version now available from: http://www.epidata.dk/testing.php
You can create such scripts. Attached is an example file using integers.
Example script is: if V1 = 4 then goto V3 missing else if V1 = 3 then goto V3 clear;
Another example: V4 := V1 + V2 + V3 ; V5 := V1*V2*V3;
Notice that the way the syntax is written resembles pascal, which is a deliberate choice. We have tried a few other variants, including R, but too many problems were created at the implementation.
The syntax is intended to be implemented in exactly the same way later in Analysis, once this software has also been rewritten.
Quite many functions are already implemented. These are explained on the wiki page:
Users are encouraged to work over the next months challenging the scripting engine. And discuss on this list if the new scripting engine is too experimental or of actual use.
To write a script: 1 add a field in Manager version : Program Version: r684 2 hightligh that field and hit Enter button 3 on the tab pages of the properties of the field you will see a tab page next to "notes" saying script. this is where you write your scripts. 4 then save the file and open in EntryClient which MUST be the experimental version as well: EpiData Entry Client Program Version: r292 Core version: 1.5 r767 FPC Version: 2.6.2 Platform: x86_64-Linux
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