Is it possoble to program menus for Epidata?

When I earlier used EpiInfo, I could design menu systems for the users in a study. I realise that the menus in Epidata contain some of those choices I used as menu items before. But is there any menu system for Windows (external to Epidata) that you could recommend as an "umbrella" menu system for running Epidata, including giving menu choices for analysis and tables (perhaps by running EPiInfo modules in the background)?
Torleif Ruud

Winglue is Menuing system wtrited as a replacement for Epiglue. It allow you to build menu in order to construct little application based on Epidata/Analysis/Epic Winglue use a syntax very close to Epiglue syntax and allow to use VB script in the .mnu file. It's completely freeware and you can dowload it at " Help file for winglue is included.
You can find more help by downloading the english VBscript manual : or go to online help :
Gilles Desve a écrit :
When I earlier used EpiInfo, I could design menu systems for the users in a study. I realise that the menus in Epidata contain some of those choices I used as menu items before. But is there any menu system for Windows (external to Epidata) that you could recommend as an "umbrella" menu system for running Epidata, including giving menu choices for analysis and tables (perhaps by running EPiInfo modules in the background)?
Torleif Ruud
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