SPC commands for testing and other aspects of EpiData Analysis v2.1

Dear All
We are approaching finalisation of the current SPC graph implementation in EpiData Analysis. But await comments and further testing by users and specialists. Some errors were found in build 155 for Ichart-moving range charts. Today build 156 has been uploaded.
Since public release of v2.1.0 the following SPC graphs have been implemented in the test version 2.1.1. build 156 available from http://www.epidata.dk/testing.php : Gchart, UChart, XBar (Sigma and Range), CChart, Ichart moving range
Apart from the new commands it would be good if users would comment further on the new aspects of v2.1, e.g. the current implementation of lifetables. How is it working in practice, is the help file sufficient etc.
An issue was raised on the list regarding use of "actuarial versus Kaplan-Meier" principles. It seems as if this relates to use of floating point variables (e.g. 1.4 week) for the time variable, which now is read as a rounded integer variable. Following further clarification I will notify here.
Next in line in the development is release of a translation tool, such that analysis can be translated in a "smooth" way. And in analysis further implementation of "set ...." will be added to facilitate easier default setting of user options. The following general "set" will be added:
set graph option=" ......" (for all graphs) set table option=" ......" (for cross tables and frequency tables) set spc option=" ..... " (for spc graphs and analysis)
Possible also the following will be added for means, describe etc.: set descriptive option="..... "
Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association
participants (1)