Continuous number at every new ID number

Dear EpiData lister, I am entering longitudinal data into EpiData, is it possible to have a variable 'visit' that will have new number every time I enter new record for the same patient? Then it will start from beginning with number when i am entering new patient? example below
id visit -- ----- 1001 1 1001 2 1001 3 1001 4 1001 5 1002 1 1002 2 1002 3 1003 1 1003 2 1004 1 1004 2 1004 3 etc..
Thank you in advance and best regards ziad

If you really need to have visit number at the time of data entry, you should set up two related databases (see the included example with House, Person, Visit).
However, I question the need for visit number while you are entering data. If you need it on the paper copy, you should be able to put the number on at the time of the encounter and just enter it.
It is very simple to generate visit number on the basis of visit date later, in Analysis.
Ziad wrote:
I am entering longitudinal data into EpiData, is it possible to have a variable 'visit' that will have new number every time I enter new record for the same patient? Then it will start from beginning with number when i am entering new patient?
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