I propose that the principle be established that any appropriate command will eventually allow weights via /w=varname
To simplify syntax for many users, /sum=varname can be a synonym for /w=varname on the FREQ command and TABLES command We do not need separate sumfreq and sumtables commands. I never liked this in EpiInfo because you had to learn another command syntax and EpiInfo wasn't know for consistency of syntax.
It is good practice to use the variable name COUNT (in English at least) whenever dealing with aggregated data. This becomes self documentation. We do this with an in house system for managing monster national data sets, but still will get people creating frequency tables that do not sum the COUNT variable and they wonder why every category has a frequency of 1
Jamie Hockin Public Health Agency of Canada

Thank's for this clarification, I aggree with that
Gilles DESVE
epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca a écrit :
I propose that the principle be established that any appropriate command will eventually allow weights via /w=varname
To simplify syntax for many users, /sum=varname can be a synonym for /w=varname on the FREQ command and TABLES command We do not need separate sumfreq and sumtables commands. I never liked this in EpiInfo because you had to learn another command syntax and EpiInfo wasn't know for consistency of syntax.
It is good practice to use the variable name COUNT (in English at least) whenever dealing with aggregated data. This becomes self documentation. We do this with an in house system for managing monster national data sets, but still will get people creating frequency tables that do not sum the COUNT variable and they wonder why every category has a frequency of 1
Jamie Hockin Public Health Agency of Canada
EpiData-list mailing list EpiData-list@lists.umanitoba.ca http://lists.umanitoba.ca/mailman/listinfo/epidata-list
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