Is there a way to do a conditional value label look up in either the current or in the new test version of EpiData?
For instance, if field disease equals A then field subtype has values 1,2,3 for selection, if field disease equals B then field subtype has values 4,5,6, etc.
Thank-you, and well done to the development team for excellent progress. _______________________________________ Stephen Drew Health Data Analyst Region of Waterloo Public Health Waterloo, ON

This is possible in the current version of EpiData. The syntax is shown in the help file (.chk commands --> comment legal). It only works for comment legal, not for legal. In my tests, it sometimes get confused. You can also implement it, if your lists are short (as in your example), using nested if ... then blocks. This may be better as the logic should be simple enough and it will be bullet-proof. You can also provide error messages using the help command.
In the test version, there is not yet an equivalent way to do this, but here is what I would do:
create 4 fields:
disease sub1 sub2 subtype (string only will work)
disease has jumps, to either sub1 or sub2, depending on its value sub1 and sub2 have appropriate legal values, ranges or value labels sub1 and sub2 have a calculation: subtype=sub1 in sub1 and subtype=sub2 in sub2
subtype is NOENTER
sub1 and sub2 have to jump to the field past subtype. I'm not sure whether an unconditional jump is implemented yet. This may be problematic.
On 2011-08-31, at 4:30 PM, epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca wrote:
Is there a way to do a conditional value label look up in either the current or in the new test version of EpiData?
For instance, if field disease equals A then field subtype has values 1,2,3 for selection, if field disease equals B then field subtype has values 4,5,6, etc.
Thank-you, and well done to the development team for excellent progress.
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