I have created a rec file and would like to save it with a different name without losing the file structure and the check file associated with the original file. Please advice
Dr.Nevin Wilson, M.B., B.S.,
Junior TB Consultant
International Union Against Tuberculosis
and Lung Disease (UNION)
68, Boulevard Saint-Michel
75006 Paris, France
Tel : +91 94430 26848
Fax: +91 4262 266022
email: NWilson@iuatld.org
website: www.iuatld.org

Hi, In addition to the answer by Jens: if you want to keep the data in the new file as well, just change the names of the files through the Windows Explorer (change the names of the .rec and .qes and .chk files) Happy computing!
A 10:28 24/06/2004 +0530, vous avez écrit :
I have created a rec file and would like to save it with a different name without losing the file structure and the check file associated with the original file. Please advice
Dr.Nevin Wilson, M.B., B.S.,
Junior TB Consultant
International Union Against Tuberculosis
and Lung Disease (UNION)
68, Boulevard Saint-Michel
75006 Paris, France
Tel : +91 94430 26848
Fax: +91 4262 266022
email: NWilson@iuatld.org
website: www.iuatld.org
Epidata-list mailing list Epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca http://lists.umanitoba.ca/mailman/listinfo/epidata-list
Yves MARTIN-PREVEL, Epidémiologiste Unité R106 'Nutrition, Alimentation, Sociétés' de l'IRD (Institut de Recherche pour le Développement) 01 BP 182 - OUAGADOUGOU 01 BURKINA FASO Attention, changement de numérotation téléphonique à partir du 01/05/2004 Tel: +226 50 30 67 37 Fax: +226 50 31 03 85 http://www.ird.bf/

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