release candidate for manager and entryclient - please test and comment

We have now uploaded what is intended as the release candidate for version 1 of EpiData Manager and EntryClient.
Users are encouraged to: a. test the software b. comment on this list whether you find the products ready for release with the currently implemented functionality.
Remaining issues before actual release are: a. Completing technical documentation on the wiki system at including a schema file for the xml b. Updating and finalising introduction documents and guides c. Updating wiki system with examples d. Fixing any bugs reported
Following release of version 1 development continues and will focus on: Translation of interface, several dataforms in one project, key (unique), validation of duplicate files, GCP etc.
In the current test release the following has been changed:
Core changes: (mostly used in manager) Enhanced export to Stata (Notes, time fields, encoding of strings, string fields) Notes on Field/Dataset during import.
Entry: Saves recent file after load/save of file.
Manager: Open project automatically added to reportlist Settings for export to stata
Bugs fixed: deleting section did not cleanup components correctly shortcuts (wrong form execution, paste as bug, ....) extend space function adds one "page down"
Regards Torsten Christiansen and Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association
participants (1)