Initial test of Analysis build 18 - TABLES

My favourite data set for TABLES is RELY.REC as it will eventually be a good test of MATCH.
For this data, the 'inverted' table should read =========> tables rely case
CASE RELY │ + - │ Total ───────────┼─────────────┼────── + │ 11 13 │ 24 - │ 3 29 │ 32 ───────────┼─────────────┼────── Total │ 14 42 │ 56 (from Epi6)
EpiData Analysis gives me CASE RELY Y % N % Total % Y 11 (45.8) 3 (9.4) 14 (25.0) Y 13 (54.2) 29 (90.6) 42 (75.0) N 24 (100.0) 32 (100.0) 56 (100.0)
Two problems: 1) The data are not inverted. However, the results are correct (OR, RR, etc) 2) Labelling for rows is not correct "N" row labelled "Y", "Total" row labelled "N"
Percentages here are appropriate for Case-control study, but would not be of interest for Cohort study. Of course, the option to remove them is with the user.
Turning on/off of OR and RR behaves as expected.
if I turn off both OR and RR, I get a correct table:
RELY CASE N Y Total N 29 13 42 Y 3 11 14 Total 32 24 56
So the problem is that with OR=on or RR=on, the rows and columns are switched, but the table has not been rotated to put CASE on top. I think that it will be more consistent to always put the first TABLES variable as the column header, or if the preferred practice for tables is to put the first variable as rows then we could accept 2x2 tables with the outcome in rows. The problem is that, looking at the output and the command, I'm confused about how I construct the command to get what I want. We have to enforce
TABLES outcomevar exposurevar
if we want RR to be calculated correctly.
Jamie Hockin
participants (1)