Sv: [EpiData-list] List index out of bounds (77)
Use analysis to merge the files instead and after merge save the file- see help file for analysis on merge - press f 1 to open help. report if it worked. Regards jens lauritsen
-oprindelig besk.- Emne: [EpiData-list] List index out of bounds (77) Fra: Dato: 09-07-2012 14:51
Hello, I merged two rec files using Epidata Entry (last version 3.1 270108) and although everything seems ok (chk , rec and not file are created) when I try to open the new merged rec file I receive the error message "list index out of bounds (77)". When I try to open the same rec file using file- open from the menu of Epidata Entry I receive the error message "The file C:....path....rec cannot be opened. Please check if the file is in use and that the file name is legal". The file is not in use and the file name is ok. When I try to open the new merged rec file with Epidata Analysis, everything is ok and the merged file has no problem.
I almost tried everything. Any ideas???
Dimitris Papamichail Public Health Nurse-Epidemiologist National School of Public Health, Greece
participants (1)