Updated Manager and EntryClient for testing
Dear All
We are (rapidly) approaching the first public release (not being a test version) of the updated software, which shifts to an XML based data structure.
An updated version of the Manager and EntryClient has been placed for download on http://www.epidata.dk/testing.php
Apart from several bug-fixes these are the main aspects: 1. We have created a new command line tool which can create dataforms, including setting of value labels, range and jumps (as announced yesterday), from a text file. 2. We have chosen - as previously announced - to discontinue "paste as qes" in Manager as a consequence of point 1. 3. The Manager can now add structure from several files to a dataform. e.g. for outbreak analysis one could have dataforms (epx files) for: diary fish meat vegetable drinks dessert etc.
To create a data collection form for a specific outbreak: 1. Start manager and create a new project 2. Point at all relevant files E.g.: drinks, fish, vegetable 3. Change sequence of files in the grid showing the files chosen 4. The manager will then add the files. 5. Finetune the created combined file - e.g. add more jumps or specifications.
The focus on ability to create a database in batch with Epidatacmd is part of an ECDC (European Union) funded project, which will be announced in detail later. The project is part of collaboration with Statens Serum Institut in Denmark (ssi.dk) and the similar Norwegian institute. The funding is currently coming from the ECDC project, plus donations and collaborations as shown on the http://epidata.dk/funding.htm page, including APHEO and MSF.
But I do see the need for more funding to conclude the rewriting of Analysis plus remaining aspects of Manager plus EntryClient. I will actively seek this in the coming time. (Ideas welcomed).
The development of the Manager and EntryCLient will focus on remaining issues before final public release. These include: size of font, printing, searching, key unique, repeat, validate dublicate files etc.
All programming done by Torsten Christiansen.
regards Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association
participants (1)