new test release for EpiData Manager and Epidata EntryClient

Dear all
As you all know we are approaching the change from the EpiData Entry released first time in 1999 to the updated and modernised EpiData Manager and EpiData EntryClient
The main reasons for change have been published previously here on the list. Among these are needs for adaptation to modern data quality standards and in medical research projects the increasing demands for documentation in the form of so called Good Clinical Practice principles. More on this later.
Today we have released major revisions the EpiData Manager and EpiData EntryClient programs.
_*Major changes for both programs:*_
* Define *valuelabels* for a project. This includes definition and changes at file and field level. * Implementation of *range* for a field, which may also be combined with value labels * Users can save pdf files with instructions in a specified folder. Those present in that folder will be shown in the help menu "tutorials". This means that without programming you can create your own set of instruction materials. * Automatic timed back-up features during design and entry
* Modernised design, e.g. showing recently used files.
* Independent Value Label editor. * "Show Structure" form informing about contents and definitions in the project. * Statusbar more informative. dded possibility to store the positions of open forms.
* Use "+" or F9 to show defined value labels. Based on input a guess is made within the list. * Auto ID (IDnum) fields work and can have specified initial value. * Floating fields now show full number of defined decimals.
Please test the released software. With the software introduction documents are included and updated versions will be placed on the testing page of EpiData.
Find all of this at: Http://
Please do report on this list of how you find the new versions. We are approaching first release and I am aware that many courses in the coming months rely on good and stable function of the new versions.
All programming done by full time employed Torsten Christiansen. Possible due to donations as indicated on
(donations are required for continued development)
Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association

In extension of the information yesterday with the current test:
Please note that: - auto increment fields (idnum) In the current test version, this only works for files without data. if you add an idnum field the numbers will be wrong on entry. (will be fixed in next test version).
- field attribute form (where field specific specifications are made) The tab page with extended definitions is only visible in this version This is to show you how the visual design will be. Jumps, mustenter etc. will work in next test version.
You do not need to report on the above we will fix that.
----------------------------------------------------------------------- next test release of Manager and EntryClient will have functionality for:
- mustenter, confirm - jumps - control mechanisms to safeguard against several users trying to use the same file (warnings will be given if this is the case) - copy and paste definitions from one field to another in a quick way. (ctrl+c ---- ctrl+v) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Analysis and EPX files.
If you read very large epx files (e.g. 50000 records) into analysis (build 173) you will note that this can take very long time (minutes). For work with such files I suggest to export the data to Stata format and then with the old Entry convert to rec files. Analysis cannot read EPZ files, so please unzip before reading these into Analysis.
Depending on the development progress we might spend some time on more efficient reading of epx files into Analysis, but this time is better used for the coming rewrite of Analysis. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Regards Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association

I've used the Win32 and MAC(Intel) versions.
Win32 performs very well - able to create projects with no problems. I like the screen to define labels. Entry of invalid values was indicated and the correct value could be entered.
MAC version is not as clean. It is still very difficult to create a section as the mouse-up seems not to have any effect--I'll log a bug report. The screen for labels did not appear. I worry that it may be defaulting to a position off my screen and will try to check that out. Entry of invalid alues was indicated, but the correct value could not be entered until I managed to delete the wrong value (required a series of tabs, cursor up/down). Value labels appeared with <fn><shift><f2> on my MacBook, or with the = (non-shifted) key. That's actually better than + as no need to hit the shift key. This will be a problem if a text field has "=" as a legal value (not very likely).
All in all, a GREAT step forward. Congratulations! I hope the MAC mouse and screen control improves. I know this is challenging.
On 2011-01-06, Jens wrote:
Please do report on this list of how you find the new versions.
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