New test build 118 for EpiData Analysis

Yesterday I uploaded a new test build for analysis, now build 118.
Since previous test build many internal parts have been rewritten, such that the source code is the same where possible for analysis, entry and epic. Most of this is invisible to the end-user, but assures that e.g. chk files are read the same way in the systems. A few aspects remain btw. the products. e.g. naming of integer function int() versus integer().
Of particular interest to the end-user is the following:
Practical: a. A new table dialog makes it easier (hopefully) to use the possibilities in the new table command without using the command prompt. The table dialog is available from the toolbar or as a command tabdialog. b. Graphs can now be made by a group variable. e.g. box age /by=sex will create two boxes for two values of sex c CHK files are now saved with the data. Including definitions of variable labels and missing values. d When looking at a table or graph in output, rightclicking with the mouse copies that table or graph to clipboard. (for tables sometimes there is a pointer error, but this will be fixed).
Technical issues: a. No new functionality will be added before release as public v2.0 except for translation, which is about half way implemented. b. Bugs should be removed before releasing. - some issues are known and will be documented in the Mantis database c. We should decide what to do about text strings in rec files, which are found in the qes files, but not read into analysis. d. Translation for analysis is about half way e. the Mantis system is not completely updated, but this should take place within about a week to reflect what was fixed and what remains. f. There are still some minor estimation problems, such as percentiles not being correct with very small samples (e.g. n<15).
Regards to all
participants (1)