The EpiData-list has been set up with two topics today: Analysis Data Entry
A topic is a way to selectively receive only part of the mails from the discussion list.
By default ALL mails are sent to all users. Even annoying ones, such as when I forgot to turn off an "out of office" message to the list last week (excuses) and all users received a message in Danish.
How does topics work ?
If a user is signed up to only "analysis", then only mails which contain the word "analysis" in the subject line or the first 15 lines of text in the body of the message will be sent to that user.
If you wish to receive all mail: You do not have to do anything.
If you wish to select only mails for one or the other topic: Go to this page in your browser http://lists.umanitoba.ca/mailman/options/epidata-list
and edit your user profile. Further information is given on that page.
For all users it is always good practice to choose wording of the subject such that other users can see what this mail is about. This is particularly true when topics are in effect.
Regarding release of analysis I can inform you that we are progressing, but some errors in the basic handling of selecting data has postponed the release. The problem is related to a valid way of separating float values, such as e.g. 3.1 from 3.100000000001 and 3.097865491
Jens Lauritsen Coordinator and initiator of EpiData Project http://www.epidata.dk
participants (1)