Access violation error with Codebook command in EpiData (second try)

Hi! When trying to create a Codebook I get an access violation error. I have tried to carefully revise the check file with no result. The error seems to be related to only fields named with the pattern "xxxcom" which all are string variables. -If I choose all fields before "xxxcom" the Codebook for those variables will be created without error. -If I only check "xxxcom" --> access violation -If I check variables before and after "xxxcom" --> access violation -If I check only variables after "xxxcom" -->no error
Error message: "Access violation at address 00403347 in module 'EpiData.exe' Read of address 393938FB"
Epidata 3.1 (270108) Windows XP Pro
Thanks for help
Jonas Malmstedt, MD Department of Vascular Surgery, N1:06 Karolinska University Hospital SE-171 76 Stockholm
PS I have also noticed another problem: smtimes EpiData Will not read *.not and *.rec files. I get an error telling me that the file name are not valid or the file is used. When I try to open the same file not NotePad - no problem! DS

Hi Jonas Good to see an attempt to be able to reproduce an error.
It is good for the rewriting of the software if errors like this are reported to the flyspray database located at
The error will not be fixed before the new rewritten EpiData Manager can do this type of documentation table - or - if at rewriting of the analysis module, where I am sure a codebook command will be implemented.
Regarding the rewriting of the whole system, see other mail.
regards Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association wrote:
Hi! When trying to create a Codebook I get an access violation error. I have tried to carefully revise the check file with no result. The error seems to be related to only fields named with the pattern "xxxcom" which all are string variables. -If I choose all fields before "xxxcom" the Codebook for those variables will be created without error. -If I only check "xxxcom" --> access violation -If I check variables before and after "xxxcom" --> access violation -If I check only variables after "xxxcom" -->no error
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