Sv: Re: [EpiData-list] First public relase of EpiData Manager and EpiData EntryClient

Thanks jamie. You are right. We should most likely change default tn e.g. Epidataxml. Please install into clean folder! Regards jens Lauritsen -oprindelig besk.- Emne: Re: [EpiData-list] First public relase of EpiData Manager and EpiData EntryClient Fra: Dato: 23-12-2011 17:31
Congratulations to Jens and Torsten for this Christmas present (or for whatever occasion your faith celebrates).
I would encourage everyone to install these into a new EpiData folder. Overwriting files, with the Mac version at least, led to some problems with the file I created. No problem after I did a clean installation.
On 2011-12-22, Jens wrote:
We are quite aware of possible problems in relation to installation etc. since the new installation routines will not in reality be tested before you as users start to download and experience.
Please do continue to report any problems found or difficulties experienced.
There is definetely a need to develop further documentation, training materials etc. , but that will come.
Following well deserved days off during the coming weeks more news will follow in the beginning of 2012. We wish all a happy new year and express hopes for continued support and fruitful discussions on this list.
Kind regards on behalf of Torsten Christiansen and myself
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