access violation at address 048AC23 in module epideata.exe. Read of address 000000000

Dear Epidata,
I wonder if you can help me, or point me in the right direction for some EpiData help. I'm trying to put in the checks to my questionnaire, and a couple of times now, i have had the following warning pop up when i try to enter a revision into the check file:
"access violation at address 048AC23 in module epideata.exe. Read of address 000000000"
then when I re-open the rec or chk file, all my edits to the check file have been cleared and the check file has been either emptied of all checks or deleted all together. I've tried to find help on the web site, through your tr manual and the epidata manual, but nothing relates to this error message. I just can't figure out what's going wrong. Do you have any ideas??
Thanks for taking the time to read this. Sara
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