Re: EpiData-list Digest, Vol 26, Issue 15 (out of office)

I will be out of the office from the afternoon of December 23 until the morning of January 3. elaine
epidata-list 12/31/05 12:00 >>>
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Today's Topics:
1. V1.1 of EpiData Analysis ready (?) (
Message: 1 Date: Sat, 31 Dec 2005 12:23:58 +0100 From: Subject: [EpiData-list] V1.1 of EpiData Analysis ready (?) To: Message-ID: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Unless someone finds serious bugs in the testversion of EpiData Analysis
v1.1 build 61 available from: the testing page: Http:// will be released for
general usage about one week from today.
Translation procedures have started and a preliminary partial installation procedure in Spanish can be tested.
Many aspects are updated and enhanced. See: Http:// for a complete list. The major issue is a new focused help system, an aggregation (collapse) command and extensions such as a cumulative column in frequency tables.
Work on revision of the stratified table analysis module will be made within the first quarter of 2006, in particular due to a recent donation
from Health Canada and the Statistical Process Charts will be extended due to the collaboration with Gruk Norway.
Regards and happy new-year to all Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association
End of EpiData-list Digest, Vol 26, Issue 15 ********************************************
participants (1)