Hello everybody, I am trying to write a syntax in .chk file to automatically calculate age during the data entry from the today's date and the DoB.The syntax is : " ddn MUSTENTER END
age NOENTER BEFORE ENTRY let age=(round(int((date-ddn)/(365.25)))) END END" The variables are coded in the .qes file as follows: {DATE} automatique <Today-dmy>{DDN} DATE DE NAISSANCE (DATE OF BIRTH) <dd/mm/yyyy>{AGE} automatique ### What's wrong with my syntax? Sincerely hope you can help me. Regards, Sophie PilleronPhD student.

You cannot have a field named DATE because that is the name of a function. EpiData doesn't complain when you do this, but you cannot use any function names as field names.
On 2011-10-08, at 10:41 AM, epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca wrote:
let age=(round(int((date-ddn)/(365.25))))

Dear Sophie:
You cannot have "BEFORE ENTRY" in a "NOENTER" field because no command in that field can ever be executed.
Better choose an "AFTER ENTRY" block in the field in which you added the last component that is needed to calculate the age, i.e., in the field DoB.
To this end you may try:
Your QES file: age ##.# recdate <Today-dmy> dob <dd/mm/yyyy> other _
Your CHK file: age NOENTER END
dob MUSTENTER AFTER ENTRY age=(recdate-dob)/365.25 END END
On 20:59, epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca wrote:
Hello everybody, I am trying to write a syntax in .chk file to automatically calculate age during the data entry from the today's date and the DoB.The syntax is : " ddn MUSTENTER END
age NOENTER BEFORE ENTRY let age=ound(int((date-ddn)/(365.25)))) END END" The variables are coded in the .qes file as follows: {DATE} automatique<Today-dmy>{DDN} DATE DE NAISSANCE (DATE OF BIRTH)<dd/mm/yyyy>{AGE} automatique ### What's wrong with my syntax? Sincerely hope you can help me. Regards, Sophie PilleronPhD student.
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