new EntryClient - bug fix of relate and blocking in long entryforms.

A new version of EntryClient was uploaded yesterday (v,
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which fixes these two bugs:
1. In a project with related datasets, e.g. family - person - visit - laboratory tests
There was a bug which could lead to more than the specified number of observations in a given file with the same key. This bug has been removed
2. If you had very long project and did a showing during entry of the defined value labels, then the EntryClient would freeze due to misplacement of the "value label window" outside the boundaries of the current screen (in windows).
We have thoroughly tested all the software for possible virus and found NO indication of any problems.
If you find new bugs or problems, please discuss on this list.
best wishes
Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association Denmark
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EpiData development and support