Export to SPSS, Variable names

I have a suggestion for the Epidata-Help-File, section "Export to SPSS":
In Epidata you can use variable names (or field names) with a maximum of 10 characters. In newer versions of SPSS (12 or 13) you can use long variable names (64 Byte = 64 characters), in older versions only 8 characters.
Exporting Epidata-fields with 10 characters to SPSS leads to shortened field names with 8 characters (for SPSS before Version 12). That causes a lot of work (e.g. renaming variables), if you think that 10 characters are exported.
A hint in the Epidata-Help, that if the Data will be analysed in SPSS, the field names should have max. 8 characters, will be usefull.
Juergen Spiegel
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