inconsistens between mutlible formulars

My problem is hard to describe - of course. ;)
I have 7 formulars with EpiData. There is a ID-field in each of it. After exporting them to Stata-files it is important that the order of the data rows fits to the other Stata-files. For example ID "X77" should appear in each 7 data sets in the same row.
But it doesn't. Sometimes there are errors in it. Now I want to figure out, how this can happen? Does it happen if I reedit an entry or something like that. Do you have an idea?
Christian Buhtz

You must be sure to combine the data and real errors from stata. Stata has very good information following merge. Steps Are : 1 export each file to dta type 2 decide which if the 7 is the Main 3. Use Main 4 add the one at the time Merge 1:1 id using file2 Etc file3.... File7 If you have more than one record per id in s subtile use 1:n or n:1. Read the stata manuals on that.
Never combine files by sequence always by merge on one or more id variables.
Regards Jens Lauritsen skrev:
My problem is hard to describe - of course. ;)
I have 7 formulars with EpiData. There is a ID-field in each of it. After exporting them to Stata-files it is important that the order of the data rows fits to the other Stata-files. For example ID "X77" should appear in each 7 data sets in the same row.
But it doesn't. Sometimes there are errors in it. Now I want to figure out, how this can happen? Does it happen if I reedit an entry or something like that. Do you have an idea?
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