EpiData Analysis build 134 ready for testing

Many minor problems have now (hopefully) been solved in build 134 of EpiData Analysis. Which is available from the usual testing page: www.epidata.dk/testing.php
Some issues remain: - small data / zero cell inaccuracies (Most likely not solved, but better information should be developed) - update had to be disabled in this build - a major rewrite is needed before stable function use EpiData Entry for changes to data instead. - some wishes reported to Mantis database
- The user base seems divided in where to put some aspects in the menu system: - should logfiles be in file menu or results - should edit setup ini be in file menu or edit
Issues solved: Version 2.0.0 build 134 * Extended or adapted function * CIPLOT: adapted to changed order of variables and defaults new plot with confidence intervals for proportions (e.g. cases in subgroups of other variables) * BAR and Histogram: Y axis can be scaled as percent: Option /PCT * Weight variables can be non-integer in tables * merge accepts comparing upper string with string key * Update disabled this build (inconsistent behaviour must be rewritten) * Documentation * Command reference updated (F1) * added quick guide (see F1) * Bugs * Upper string variables written as standard string * Various bugs removed
For those wishing to test or comment on the adapted menu system, please see www.epidata.dk/testing.php to get the updated build.
Following testing we are approaching release as v2.1 with first translations in Spanish and French.
I do acknowledge in particular Gilles Desve for the adaptation of the multinational translation module and Jamie Hockin, Pedro Arias, Peron (Juan Carlos Merino), Bjørnar Nyen, Hans L. Rieder and Neville Verlander for discussions and inputs. But also the EpiData-list discussants in general.
In the previous year the Association of Public Health Epidemiologists in Ontario have established an important expert panel, which have been very active in the specification of the CIplot command and other recent aspects. More on this latter collaboration will be announced later.
Update is not permanently disabled, but has shown many problems. Therefore I am considering NOT to wait a full rewrite of update, but instead disabling update, to be able to release v2.1 with translation. Comments welcomed on this aspect also.
Regards Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association
participants (1)