Web Site problem corrected. - new graph command ready v2 b106 analysis
There has been a problem with the website download principle on www.epidata.dk during the last 24 hours. The problem has been resolved, but affected downloads as well as the "Mantis" documentation system.
In the latest test build for analysis (b106) a new graph type was included, called "dplot" This will plot a cumulative frequency curve for a given variable. Example of usage:
* Show a cumulated frequency percent plot for a variable (here height): dplot height dplot height /yline=50 - the values contained are the same as those showed at : freq height /CP
* With option /P: Show a probit plot. * If the data are distributed as Gaussian (Normal) then a probit plot will show data on a straight line. X axis: Midpoints of all data. (e.g. if x = 1 3 ...., then first observation is at x=(1+(3-1)/2)=2 Y axis: The cumulated percentage is converted to probability and graphed as the inverse normal probability dplot height /P
There is an unresolved issue with small numbers (incorrect showing)
Regards Jens Lauritsen
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