Definition of values (comment legal, missingvalue, range ....)
Often when users of EpIData send in files to for help it turns out that chk files are created more complex than actually needed. One example of this:
From a chk file (opened in the editor, not in "Add/revise") example: labelblock LABEL label_q01 8 dog 14 Horse 21 "lazy tiger" end end
v1 missingvalue 99 comment legal use label_q01 end
In this situation only the values 8 14 21 and 99 plus "blank=missing" can be entered. If the v1 block is changed to:
v1 mustenter missingvalue 99 comment legal use label_q01 end
Only the values 8 14 21 and 99 can be entered.
So there would be no reason to test in a "after entry .... end" block like this:
v1 mustenter missingvalue 99 comment legal use label_q01 after entry if (v1 <> 8) and (v1 <> 14) and (v1 <> 21) and (v1 <> 99) then help "Wrong value entered" goto v1 endif end end
One other aspect of this is that sometimes people define the same values in a RANGE and LEGAL and COMMENT LEGAL and MISSINGVALUE Any value should only be in one of these definitions.
regards Jens Lauritsen
participants (1)