RE: EpiData-list Digest, Vol 120, Issue 2

Dear |Jens The problem with exporting to SPSS seems to persist.
Dr Thambu David S Professor and Head Medicine Unit 2 Christian Medical College, Vellore 632004, India
________________________________________ From: [] On Behalf Of [] Sent: Friday, October 11, 2013 10:30 PM To: Subject: EpiData-list Digest, Vol 120, Issue 2
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Today's Topics:
1. EpiData Manager and EntryClient - public test of next version 1.4.3 available ( 2. Error when trying to use EpiData Manager 1.4.2 ( 3. Re: Error when trying to use EpiData Manager 1.4.2 (
Message: 1 Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2013 23:30:20 +0200 From: Subject: [EpiData-list] EpiData Manager and EntryClient - public test of next version 1.4.3 available To: Message-ID: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Dear all
A number of issues have been reported on the list since the release of version 1.4.2 of EntryClient and Manager. The following issues have been settled.
Both programs: * Keyboard Shortcuts and Introduction documents are now placed on the computer and links to the net are indicated as such. * Install and running om Mac computer should be fixed now. * Clear link to the wiki (such that we can start adding information on the wiki).
Manager: * Double Entry Validation works without field matching criteria * On import of Stata 13 files a message is given (use saveold command in Stata13) * Enhancements (bug fix) of export to SPSS * Opdated reports: - All reports (document) should now use system date setting from the local pc - Project description now contains dates of changes for structure, data and metadata * Prepare Double Entry: - An IDNUM field (autoincrement) is converteret to Integer and made "MUST ENTER " - More explanations if the created file cannot be saved. * Changed Field Properties, such that current value label is found under "edit" to access all value labels use alt+v * Import is now a fixed menu point under File Menu * other minor issues. (spelling errors, visual details)
EntryClient: * When searching with Ctrl+F or Ctrl+L the default string search is now "contains" and the search is NOT case sensitive. * Bugfix for error making field length too short for all contents * Other bugfix, e.g. on shortcuts transferred from a form to another, e.g. on browse data.
The version of this test is 1.4.3. Please report comments and errors on this list, including version of the software in which you found the error.
The software is available from : Http://
If no major errors or bugs are reported the version 1.4.3 will replace the current public download version.
Jens Lauritsen and Torsten Christiansen Epidata Association, Denmark
Message: 2 Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2013 22:43:43 -0700 (PDT) From: Subject: [EpiData-list] Error when trying to use EpiData Manager 1.4.2 To: EpiDATA Message-ID: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Dear All, I just downloaded the latest version of the EpiData Manager x64 version on my Win8 64bit System. When I tried to sun it, I received an error "Ordinal 353 Could not be located in Dynamic Link Library C:\Prorgram Files\Tortoisehg\ssleay32.dll"
I tried this using both Standalone as well as install-able EpiData Manager versions (both 64 bit). Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks Vivek
Assistant Professor, Department of Epidemiology,
National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences, Bangalore, 560029, ?India
Message: 3 Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2013 08:49:13 GMT From: Subject: Re: [EpiData-list] Error when trying to use EpiData Manager 1.4.2 To: Message-ID: 1381481353136.1432.804@webmail02 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
From an immediate point of view I would say that this problem is not related to the EpiData system as such, since we do not use any dynamic link libraries. All system functionality is contained in the exe file.
So: How is the EntryClient working on that same pc ?
Please download and report.
For other Windows 64 bit system users it would be good to know if the system works. (Just one reply if someone made it work)
regards Jens Lauritsen
I just downloaded the latest version of the EpiData Manager x64 version on my Win8 64bit System. When I tried to sun it, I received an error "Ordinal 353 Could not be located in Dynamic Link Library C:\Prorgram Files\Tortoisehg\ssleay32.dll"
I tried this using both Standalone as well as install-able EpiData Manager versions (both 64 bit). Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks Vivek
Assistant Professor, Department of Epidemiology,
National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences, Bangalore, 560029, India _______________________________________________
End of EpiData-list Digest, Vol 120, Issue 2 ********************************************

On 12-10-2013 07:16, wrote:
Dear |Jens The problem with exporting to SPSS seems to persist.
Dr Thambu David S Professor and Head Medicine Unit 2 Christian Medical College, Vellore 632004, India
Please upload a small sample file (epx) to the bug system at
and indicate the problem or send an e-mail with the file attached to info @ . Also include the sps file created from your export locally such that we can compare.
I assume you have tested with 1.4.3
Regards Jens Lauritsen

In your xxx.sps file, remove the curly braces {} from around the statement:
FREE {("|")}
it should be
FREE ("I")
The SPSS help manual is quite confusing about this, because it shows the curly braces.
PSPP, the open source alternative software that has many SPSS functions, does not mind the braces.
On 2013-10-12, at 1:16 AM, wrote:
Dear |Jens The problem with exporting to SPSS seems to persist.
participants (1)