EpiData 3.1 - Viewing value label in data entry window?

Hi there all! I have a question regarding viewing value labels when I'm in the data entry window of EpiData 3.1. In the booklet called "Introduction to EpiData" it said that 'blue explanatory text' based on labels in the check file is added to the right of the field by EpiData after data entry ... this is not happening in my file. Can anyone suggest why this might be? All of my files for the data are located in the same subfolder (ie. the qes, rec and chk files for the dataset are in the one folder). many thanks in advance, Leanne.

What sort of statement pertaining to the problematic variable(s) do you have in your check file?
I've also noticed that in my version of EpiData, the blue text appears only after I tab or enter out of a variable, to the next one. Even if a record already has all its variables filled in, the blue text won't appear until I move to a variable and then tab/enter away from it.
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