EpiData Manager closing without warning when trying to set up double-data entry

Hi - has anyone else run into this problem? I have created a project in EpiData Manager, and have created a duplicate project for double data-entry using Tools>Prepare Double Entry. I have entered some data into the duplicate project and now I want to compare the two. I open EpiData Manager again, open my first project, and then go to Document>Compare Duplicate Files. I get the double-entry validation screen from which I use the 'Add Files' button to add my second project. But before I can even do that EpiData Manager closes without warning. I have tried rebooting my computer, reinstalling epidata manager and removing the password which I had put on the original project, but nothing seems to solve this problem.
Before setting up the duplicate project I did move the original project to a new location and rename it. I wonder if this could, somehow, be part of the problem?
Any help very gratefully received, as we are planning to introduce the new version of EpiData for teaching this year.
All the best
Keith Tomlin Lecturer in Epidemiology Department of Disease Control and Department of Population Health London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Room 445, Keppel Street, London, WC1E 7HT, UK +44 (0)207 927 2716 ( tel:02079272257)
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EpiData development and support