Status and a new EpiData test: First prototype rewritten Analysis -

Overview and status at new year 2016/2017
EpiData Software consists of three parts which are in development and maintained:
1. EpiData Manager (Linux, Windows, Mac) - create new projects for data entry - import data (csv, rec, stata) for documentation and entry - manage entered/imported data (pack, adapt structure) - define control of data (range, legal, jumps, conditional rules...) - document data project data (Dublin Core standard) - document quality and consistency - export data for external analysis (csv, stata, spss) - export data for long term archiving (ddi standard)
2. EpiData EntryClient (Linux, Windows, Mac) - Efficient data entry (shortcuts, date completions ....) - Effective control of legal values
3. EpiData Analysis a. Classic version v2.x (Windows) - Tables and graphs from dialogs - Estimation of confidence intervals and life tables - Efficient condensed tables for outbreak analysis - Extended SPC (Statistical Process Control graphs) - Extensive data management (functions and variables) - User written commands - Documentation focused (save commands in pgm files) - file format : rec + chk file
b. New rewritten version in development (Linux, Windows, Mac) Will gradually replace 3a above and will have the same function. First prototype v0.6.0.0 is ready for testing now. See below. Read files: epx, stata, rec, csv or from clipboard Save with value labels: epx, stata. Data only: csv
4. Additionally we have EpiData Classic (v3.1) developed from 1999-2005 and a few utility tools. These are no longer maintained
We are quite far with the rewriting Manager and EntryClient to a common base and we have just released the first prototype of Analysis. Gradually the rewritten software will have full function to the level that we can accomplish within the funding available based on many personal efforts from the core group and inspiration from users.
All software is released in two different places: a. For production use get it from: b. During development get test versions from: (and do not use these for "real" projects) Currently you can get this for testing: Release Candidate (almost ready for release): Manager and EntryClient Experimental prototype: Analysis
From next test versions we expect that variable naming will again be "non-case sensitive" in all EpiData software. Currently it is case sensitive (except for classic analysis and classic epidata v3.1).
The new analysis has partially a new syntax, but if you open it and press F1 there is a short explanation on differences and changes to the syntax. From the help menu you may also open the commands.html overview in your standard browser.
The main difference in syntax is: use ":=" instead of "=" , select only works on one command at a time, new begin .... end block, commands in a pgm must end with ";", you can have more than one command on a line, separated by ";" .
We wish all users a happy new year and hope You will enjoy the use of EpiData Software in 2017. We do also hope that some of you will spend some time testing and commenting.
I do hope that all of You recognize that without the skilled implementation and software design by Torsten Christiansen, the support from funding bodies and discussions with the core group of "Friends of EpiData" I could not have continued to secure release of the EpiData Software suite in the framework and scope which binds such an effort.
Jens Lauritsen Initiator and coordinator EpiData Association, Denmark
participants (1)
EpiData development and support