RE: Date variable

Hi! The 3 variables (Day, Month and Year) have to be string (or at least, it works that way!) Assuming following variable names : Date: DATE, Day: DAY, Month: MONTH, Year: YEAR)
In the After entry block of the date variable, place the lines below: DAY = day(DATE) MONTH = month(DATE) YEAR = year(DATE)
Day, month and year are functions which automatically extract the corresponding values.
Note: besste to create string variables, so days / months < 10 will stay the way thay have been entered, (03 will wtay 03 and not 3).
Best regards
-----Message d'origine----- De : [] Envoyé : vendredi 20 mai 2005 05:05 À : Objet : [EpiData-list] Date variable
Hi all! I am trying to create three variables: Day, Month and Year that would read automatically their values from Date variable (<dd/mm/yyyy>) but unfortunately can't get well how to do it, Any tips please?
Thank You in advance! Best regards! /Ziad
-- Medecins Sans Frontieres - Holland NorthSudan project Upper Nile State
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