Dear all
During the most recent year development has been focused on SPC methods in Analysis (SPC: Statistical Process Control graphs and analysis), but also directed towards the longer sustainability issue of converting all EpiData Software to Open-Source and a unified approach, including a new principle of translation (not put into practice yet).
Such that regardless of variety (Entry, Analysis, EpiC) the same function will do the same. The other aspect is to run on several operating systems (linux, windows, Mac). A major break through in this respect was reached upon release of the first test version for Linux and Windows in May/June this year.
In the near future (weeks/days) two aspects will become visible: a. Minor update of EpiData Analysis with key reported problems such as: Histograms (are essentially bar graphs until now), Parsing of varible names containing "if", Setting font size in graphs via dialogs
b. Next step in the core project, where users can test the future "engine". The current and next release allows reading and writing of text files, including "intelligent" guessing of variable format. A new aspect is that decimal separator can be defined by the user. With a bit of luck also a Mac variant of the core module will appear in a few weeks (if no major problem shows up).
The principle now is that known problems mainly are solved in the core project rather than a temporary solution in e.g. Analysis.
The coming phases of development are expected to be: A - getting to the point where translation can be applied (the principle is visible - but not implemented fully at: epidata.info/asger3) - rewriting EpiC to use the core module - develop a batch testing principle for reading and writing files
B - Inclusion of the new core in Analysis
C - Development of a GCP/FDA part 11/EMEA (Good Clinical practice for US and EU officially approved data entry) compliant data-entry client. The GCP principles will follow guidelines as shown on the European Clinical Network research ECRIN - page and published by an international working group in which I was a member, see http://www.ecrin.org - publications and find: GCP-compliant data management in multinational clinical trials. ECRIN-2, Deliverable D10, Version 1, 15 September 2008.
In between these aspects some further development of Analysis and other products (Entry and EpiC) will take place, but focus will be on getting it all together on the new core to ensure sustainable development.
Actually the current year marks a decade since first relase of EpiData Software and the autumn might contain special activities to celebrate this.
I should mention that the project as a whole could not have been completed without the efforts of donors, the user base, the critical input, the specific work of people involved (see www.epidata.dk/credit.htm) .
In particular for the rewriting focused donations from a number of institutions mentioned on the www.epidata.dk/funding.htm page has been essential. Such that full time employed Torsten Christiansen has been extended beyond the first year to a full two year period. Without the skillful efforts of Torsten in the first year leading to funding for a second year the whole rewriting would not be possible. I could also add, that without the thorough programming efforts by Michael Bruus in Entry and EpiC in the first ten years the rewriting would also not be possible in a two year period.
The coming year again seems to give the EpiData Society as a whole (users and developers) another fruitful season.
Warm Regards to all Jens Lauritsen
Coordinator and initiator of EpiData Project http://www.epidata.dk
participants (1)