EpiData and MPH Training

Greetings from Burlington,
I am a new member of epidata-list, and I am keen to receive advice about incorporating training in EpiData Entry and Analyst in the MPH Program at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the Univ. of Toronto. I teach the course on Public Health Surveillance in the second term. This will be the second year that I oversee this course, and I would like to find some better way to integrate the lectures and the exercises, perhaps through EpiData training. I suspect that EpiData would be ideal for introducing the principles and basic skills required for CD outbreak detection and management. But I think it might also be useful for cluster investigation, socio-demographic profiles (e.g., recent immigrants in a PHU area) and monitoring behavioural RF over time.
Keen to hook up with epidata-list members who have some experience offering training in EpiData at the MPH level. Keen to find useful teaching exercises that are shareable, too.
Most grateful for any advice!
Eric J. Holowaty,
Professor, Div. of Epidemiology,
Dalla Lana School of Public Health,
Univ. of Toronto.

I used the old MS-DOS Epi Info in an intro epi class for several years at Rush Presbyterian in Chicago. I taught them how to set up an entry program and how to do simple analysis using the software and then gave them the data for an outbreak (an ID in a school involving children from different neighborhoods and different classrooms). The assignment was to set up the data and then do a person-time-place analysis of the outbreak. It went very well, and I'm sure Epidata would be much easier these days than using MS-DOS in Windows 15 years ago. The students mostly did well and often said it gave them a tool to use in their own practice areas. Richard Herrell, PhD Walter Reed Army Institute of Research Silver Spring, MD
________________________________ From: "epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca" epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca To: epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011 4:25 PM Subject: [EpiData-list] EpiData and MPH Training
Greetings from Burlington,
I am a new member of epidata-list, and I am keen to receive advice about incorporating training in EpiData Entry and Analyst in the MPH Program at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the Univ. of Toronto. I teach the course on Public Health Surveillance in the second term. This will be the second year that I oversee this course, and I would like to find some better way to integrate the lectures and the exercises, perhaps through EpiData training. I suspect that EpiData would be ideal for introducing the principles and basic skills required for CD outbreak detection and management. But I think it might also be useful for cluster investigation, socio-demographic profiles (e.g., recent immigrants in a PHU area) and monitoring behavioural RF over time.
Keen to hook up with epidata-list members who have some experience offering training in EpiData at the MPH level. Keen to find useful teaching exercises that are shareable, too.
Most grateful for any advice!
Eric J. Holowaty,
Professor, Div. of Epidemiology,
Dalla Lana School of Public Health,
Univ. of Toronto.
_______________________________________________ EpiData-list mailing list EpiData-list@lists.umanitoba.ca http://lists.umanitoba.ca/mailman/listinfo/epidata-list

http://www.tbrieder.org has a full course on EpiData in 4 parts, consolidated over years, in close collaboration with Jens Lauritsen who is also teaching with me this course or parts thereof on occasion in-class. We give an abbreviated version of this also to MPH students in CH and N, in addition to the Union / MSF operations research training courses in Africa, Asia, and Europe.
On 20:59, epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca wrote:
Greetings from Burlington, ....
Keen to hook up with epidata-list members who have some experience offering training in EpiData at the MPH level. Keen to find useful teaching exercises that are shareable, too.
Eric J. Holowaty,
participants (1)