Re: Test of a new "set" principle

The very quick message from N. Verlander was the observation that: set option means = ? option means not supported . set option means = "/t" OPTION MEANS = "/t"
set option tables = ? tables sex kmgrp
option tables = /t /r tables sex kmgrp /t /r (but the user wrote the same as above)
The message of the default options NOT defined is correct. But we could/should most likely change the message from: option table not supported to option table not defined
Another issue was that the option /t2 was not defined for Ichart. This will add two tests: test 4: 2 out 3 successive points more than 2 standard deviations (sigma) away from the centerline. test 5: 4 out of 5 successive points more than one standard deviation (sigma) away from the centerline. and currently also lines at 1 and 2 sigma from the centerline, but only for Ichart.
A detailed document on respecification of spc charts is now available on the testing page.
participants (1)