new ANALYSIS (with tables and aggregate) available

For all users
Today we uploaded a revised (new) Analysis v1.2.0.0, which can create tables and do aggregation of data.
Get the new versions from : On that page you may always see a complete list of changes with versions.
The table module in (new) EpiData Analysis will now do proper row, column and total percentages, and the aggregate command may create tables of estimates (mean, Ci, percentiles) for all combinations defined by subgroups of other variables. You may also save the aggregate table as a separate dataset within the project.
In the help file of (new) Analysis the header indicates that for doing: Graphs, SPC graphs, Kaplan-Meier lifetables and testing other than basic Chi2 you must still use EpiData Analysis Classic.
We identified a few peculiar bugs related to combinations of missing data or specifications when reading rec files and saving Stata files (beyond version 13) . Since reading and writing of data files is a common core function shared between Manager, EntryClient and Analysis we have also uploaded rebuild versions of these.
Please comment use and problems on this list.
Jens Lauritsen and Torsten B. Christiansen EpiData Association Denmark
participants (1)
EpiData development and support