Re: EpiData-list Digest, Vol 129, Issue 4

Dear Jens, I have downloaded and testet EDM and EDC v RC1 both extended and standard version, both Windows and OSX versions to test relational file structure
I may have overlooked something obvious, but the program freezes when I try to define an integer or string field as key on the first dataform on a new project. I do not see te "relate" tab on the corresponding field property menu. The clinical example in the package opens and works as intended; on first opening the example file in Manager, the "relate" tab is visible, on reopening the file the tab seems to be gone. On data entry, the relate seems to work, though.
Tested most thoroughly on WIndows 7 preofessional 64 bit SP1 (both 64 bit and 32 bit versions) on HP Intel i5 laptop, but seemingly same behaviour on Macbook Pro retina mid 2012 wirh OSX Maverick.
Best regards, Vegard Høgli CMO, Skien kommune, Norway
On Jul 21, Jens wrote:
In early August development and adaptation of the Relational experimental version will continue. It seems very few comments have been made on this list. From the download numbers it seems that about 250 copies were downloaded since June 17th. Those having downloaded and tested please comment on the list before early August, where we will continue development.
Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association

I have not had this problem (OSX-Mavericks). On Dataform1, I define an integer field. Then set as key. Then add a related dataform and my key field shows up on the new form. When you add a field to Dataform1, the Relate tab appears. You have to define a related dataform first; then the Relate tab shows up.
On Jul 22, 2014, at 5:35 AM, wrote:
I may have overlooked something obvious, but the program freezes when I try to define an integer or string field as key on the first dataform on a new project. I do not see te "relate" tab on the corresponding field property menu. The clinical example in the package opens and works as intended; on first opening the example file in Manager, the "relate" tab is visible, on reopening the file the tab seems to be gone. On data entry, the relate seems to work, though.
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