Status and news on download and assumed virus problem

Over the last few months some users reported problems such as: "My virus protection software reports serious trojans in EntryClient or in download of the software package all-in-one for Windows".
It is an increasing issue that some types of software are wrongly identified as containing malware. All along we have been convinced that no EpiData software contains any malware, but to be completely sure the windows "all-in-one installer" has been removed from download for some time. Following contact to one of the Virus Software companies which showed problems we have re-assured that there is no trojan or other malware in our software. The all-in-one package for Windows is therefore available again.
Therefore in short: We will obviously do all that is needed, but there is a limit to the time we have for contact to many anti-virus software companies, since we have no longer any full time employed staff. If any of You users have particular insights into this area please contact us at info - at - and offer your assistance.
Apart from such annoying aspects development continues and the autumn plan contains aspects such as further condensed tables, fine-tuning of output and graphs in the new analysis and obviously also bug-removal if any of these are identified.
Best wishes
Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association, Denmark ps. Do not hesitate to contact us at info - at - with reports of any problems in relation to the software. Discussion is welcomed in this list.
participants (1)
EpiData development and support