Problems appending files

Hello Jens and EpiData users!
I trying to append some EpiData files. But I'm having a problem... I tried the same steps that are illustrated in this video:
But I'm having an error that is shown in the attached file.
Please, help me!

You are doing the append the right way, but if you have a key field, the keys in the two files must not overlap. Jamie
I trying to append some EpiData files. But I'm having a problem... I tried the same steps that are illustrated in this video:
But I'm having an error that is shown in the attached file.
Please, help me!

Thanks Jamie:
Now I'm trying to edit the autoincrement field, with EpiData Manager, to avoid overlapping problem that you suggest. But I don't know why I can't edit it or delete it. The rest of fields looks like I can edit them without problems, but that does not happen with the autoincrement field.
El 10/4/19 a las 7:11 a. m., EpiData development and support escribió:
You are doing the append the right way, but if you have a key field, the keys in the two files must not overlap. Jamie
I trying to append some EpiData files. But I'm having a problem... I tried the same steps that are illustrated in this video:
But I'm having an error that is shown in the attached file.
Please, help me!
EpiData-list mailing list

Editing of data structures or subtle changes like adding a combined key, or using values from an auto field should be made with the new analysis.
Bw Jens Lauritsen, Epidata Association
Den 10. april 2019 13.35.24 CEST, EpiData development and support skrev:
Thanks Jamie:
Now I'm trying to edit the autoincrement field, with EpiData Manager, to avoid overlapping problem that you suggest. But I don't know why I can't edit it or delete it. The rest of fields looks like I can edit them without problems, but that does not happen with the autoincrement field.
El 10/4/19 a las 7:11 a. m., EpiData development and support escribió:
You are doing the append the right way, but if you have a key field,
the keys in the two files must not overlap.
I trying to append some EpiData files. But I'm having a problem... I
tried the same steps that are illustrated in this video:
But I'm having an error that is shown in the attached file.
Please, help me!
EpiData-list mailing list
-- Omar Bautista González Colaborador en autogestión comunitaria desde República Dominicana Docente de la Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo
EpiData-list mailing list

It would be nice to know how to do this using the new analysis.
El 10/4/19 a las 9:09 a. m., EpiData development and support escribió:
Editing of data structures or subtle changes like adding a combined key, or using values from an auto field should be made with the new analysis.
Bw Jens Lauritsen, Epidata Association
Den 10. april 2019 13.35.24 CEST, EpiData development and support skrev:
Thanks Jamie:
Now I'm trying to edit the autoincrement field, with EpiData Manager, to avoid overlapping problem that you suggest. But I don't know why I can't edit it or delete it. The rest of fields looks like I can edit them without problems, but that does not happen with the autoincrement field.
El 10/4/19 a las 7:11 a. m., EpiData development and support escribió:
You are doing the append the right way, but if you have a key field,
the keys in the two files must not overlap.
I trying to append some EpiData files. But I'm having a problem... I
tried the same steps that are illustrated in this video:
But I'm having an error that is shown in the attached file.
Please, help me!
EpiData-list mailing list
-- Omar Bautista González Colaborador en autogestión comunitaria desde República Dominicana Docente de la Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo
EpiData-list mailing list

Dear Omar Bautista:
You must have defined an identifier to be unique in File A, and the same variable as unique in File B. Let's say in file A, these are the records
id age A 34 B 40 C 21
In File B you have these:
id age B 45 D 56 E 18
In each of the files, "id" is unique, so no error message, but if you append the two you have a duplicate "id" (B), thus non-unique and resulting in an error message.
On 10-Apr-19 01:08, EpiData development and support wrote:
Hello Jens and EpiData users!
I trying to append some EpiData files. But I'm having a problem... I tried the same steps that are illustrated in this video:
But I'm having an error that is shown in the attached file.
Please, help me!

¡Thanks! Very well explained.
I'm now exporting the data from EpiData using STATA format, on separate files. And then handling some merge-append functions within R. I will record the commands to run them as a little R script to make it more automatic. At least, this is working. But it would be great, in a near future, to learn how to solve this automatic id problem within EpiData.
El 10/4/19 a las 11:48 a. m., EpiData development and support escribió:
Dear Omar Bautista:
You must have defined an identifier to be unique in File A, and the same variable as unique in File B. Let's say in file A, these are the records
id age A 34 B 40 C 21
In File B you have these:
id age B 45 D 56 E 18
In each of the files, "id" is unique, so no error message, but if you append the two you have a duplicate "id" (B), thus non-unique and resulting in an error message.
On 10-Apr-19 01:08, EpiData development and support wrote:
Hello Jens and EpiData users!
I trying to append some EpiData files. But I'm having a problem... I tried the same steps that are illustrated in this video:
But I'm having an error that is shown in the attached file.
Please, help me!

Dear Omar Bautista:
In the new analysis, this would be the grammar if you would wish to append the four files a.epx, b.epx, c.epx, d.epx and to sa ve them to a new file abcd.epx that you can then use henceforth:
cls; read "a.epx"; append !fn := "b.epx"; append !fn := "c.epx"; append !fn := "d.epx";
save "abcd.epx" !replace;
Best regards,
On 10-Apr-19 20:20, EpiData development and support wrote:
¡Thanks! Very well explained.
I'm now exporting the data from EpiData using STATA format, on separate files. And then handling some merge-append functions within R. I will record the commands to run them as a little R script to make it more automatic. At least, this is working. But it would be great, in a near future, to learn how to solve this automatic id problem within EpiData.
participants (1)
EpiData development and support